
21 April 2020

The first virtual Infor M3 Academy starts up

Mashfrog d.o.o. e mashfrog Iberica inaugurate the first 100% online Academy on Infor M3 with students from the University of Belgrade.

academy infor

After the success of the first SAP Academy mashfrog d.o.o., a branch of the Group specialised in Enterprise System and Cloud Solutions based in Belgrade, activates a new "on the job" training programme in partnership with the Faculty of Organisational Sciences of the university of the Serbian capital. 
The programme was organised with the strategic and operational contribution of mashfrog Iberica, the overseas branch of the leader Group in proposing Infor solutions on the European market. 

The new Academy, starting on April 21, 2020, will last 4 weeks and will investigate the main theoretical aspects and areas of application of the Infor M3 solution for business process management. The aim is to transform, through the tried and tested training on the job format, young graduates in STEM disciplines from the University of Belgrade into consultants specialised in this specific and increasingly requested ERP system. At the end of the Academy, the most suitable students will join the mashfrog d.o.o. team of consultants and join the Group's Infor M3 practice area, which is already operational on international projects. 

The first completely virtual Academy

To cope with the new conditions dictated by the COVID-19 emergency, the Infor Academy will take place entirely online, thus allowing teachers and students to participate in the scheduled lessons in complete safety.
The course is divided into 4 modules, each lasting 4 days, and will be delivered via the Microsoft Teams platform. 
The lessons take place in the 18:00-21:00 time slot with 10 minutes of intermediate break to allow students to maintain a good level of concentration. 
The platform used provides a series of useful features not only for following the lesson live, but also for interacting, sharing teaching materials and ensuring a complete and quality training experience for everyone, teachers and students alike. Microsoft Teams provides: 
•    Virtual class (call meeting) with desktop sharing and live chat; 
•    Forum to allow interaction between students and teachers even outside class hours;
•    Sharepoint for sharing didactic material and exercises;
•    Recording of lessons to allow offline viewing for those who could not follow the live lesson.

In addition to technology, the mashfrog teaching staff is committed to making the teaching modules particularly interactive and engaging. 
We also plan business games that allow students to access our Infor M3 system in the cloud and exercise putting into practice what they learned during the lessons. In fact, the practical and application aspect is the very essence of the "Training on the job" model. 
In addition, students will undergo learning tests every week through multiple choice quizzes.


As for the previous Academy organised in partnership with FOS, in this case the participants were also selected through the collection of online applications and face-to-face interviews. The meetings were held before the outbreak of the emergency and led to the creation of a class of 22 students, comprising 17 women and 5 men. These numbers confirm both the growing female presence in university courses in STEM disciplines and the growing interest of women in the profession of business consultant. 

Programme and teaching team

The teaching team is international, made up entirely of Group resources (mashfrog Iberica, mashfrog d.o.o. and mashfrog plus), and heterogeneous in terms of skills and level of experience. 
We present them module by module.

Module 1: Infor M3 Solutions, Inforos Solutions, User Interface Experience, Infor M3 Security. Teachers: Marco Camilotto, Jonathan Bagnani, Eleazar Ayaviri

Module 2: Master Data, Manufacturing, Planning. Teacher: Oscar Pech

Module 3: Sales, Logistics. Teachers: Angela Cassetta, Ahmed Alward

Module 4: Procurement, Finance. Teachers: Angela Cassetta, Ahmed Alward, Federico Meloni.

Opportunities and prospects in the words of the protagonists

To be competitive and successful on the market today, companies need partners who accompany them on their digital transformation paths with competence and strategic vision. Infor's solutions today represent a technological vanguard in the enterprise field and a winning choice in multiple situations. It is thanks to partners such as mashfrog that these solutions are valued in enterprise contexts. The Academy in Belgrade today represents the spearhead of the continuous specific investments in education and training that mashfrog supports to ensure its customers and the entire Infor ecosystem appropriate skills and executive capacity in projects, whether they are implemented on-site or remotely. (Bruno Pagani, Infor Country Sales Manager).

Mashfrog demonstrates once again how – despite the impact of Covid-19 – it is able to proactively and in a propositive manner finalise projects and educational proposals, leveraging a profound expertise regarding modality and, even more so, remote delivery methodologies. Smart working, remote work and remotised fulfilment are all part of the DNA of the mashfrog group and today we are proud to be able to put these skills to good use in order to train 22 young Serbian resources on Infor enterprise technologies, giving them the opportunity to soon become protagonists in this ecosystem. (Enrico Capogrosso, Global Director, Infor Practice).

The unusual situation in which we find ourselves is forcing us to rethink our daily habits and way of working, with all the difficulties associated with this. I believe that the best answer that each of us can give in this moment, the most valuable contribution to the common cause, is to continue to carry out our projects. And it’s what we are doing at mashfrog. We work each day to allow customers, employees, students and all our other partners, to continue to rely on us. (Andrea Albanese, CEO mashfrog d.o.o.)