
15 July 2024

Acquedotto Pugliese & Mashfrog, teaming up to launch the FontaninAPP

“Tastes like Apulia. Don’t leave home without it”. We've celebrated Apulian cultural roots for the launch campaign of the geo-localization service of “Cap de Firr” water fountains.

Mashfrog Acquedotto Pugliese

Our Content & Creative Solutions BU designed and crafted the communication campaign of FontaninAPP, the Mashfrog-developed groundbreaking application from Acquedotto Pugliese - Apulia’s water mains company. The APP allows the geolocalization of 2300 water fountains spread throughout the territory.

The campaign, sponsored by the Apulia Region and Aret Pugliapromozione, is tasked with raising public awareness of water as a common good while promoting the app’s download. The campaign’s target includes residents as well as countless tourists visiting Apulia during the summer season.

FontaninAPP makes it possible to locate water fountains and learn more about the history of the iconic “cap de firr” fountains while reading information on the water’s quality. Furthermore, the new release allows for locating businesses that signed up for the "Acqua in Brocca" project, allowing their customers to choose fresh, safe, and high-quality tap water on their menu.

A communication model, deeply rooted in tradition

The communication concept is inspired by Apulia’s rich cultural heritage. The region, known for its wholesome cuisine, high-quality ingredients, pristine nature, and vibrant folklore, showcases a unique milieu of which Acquedotto Pugliese represents a key element.

Acquedotto Pugliese, goes beyond being a mere water mains company, as it’s a symbol of a regional tradition, providing a pure vital water supply to Apulians for generations.

We’ve developed a multi-channel communication approach to guarantee the most effective visibility of the campaign. Here are some of the key assets we crafted:

  • Claim: "Tastes like Apulia. Don’t leave home without it" elevates the region’s authentic identity, showcasing how water mains - and the water they deliver - are a guardian of Apulian tradition and a key component to lots of typical products.
  • Promotional video: a video for Social Media showcasing the importance of Acquedotto Pugliese with a call-to-action to download FontaninAPP.
  • Social Media: bespoke content for the main Social Media networks, reaching a wide and diversified audience.

FontaninAPP is much more than a mere app since it represents Acquedotto Pugliese’s commitment to innovation for a sustainable future. Mashfrog is proud to have contributed to this initiative that goes beyond a celebration of Apulian traditions, promoting a greener and more conscious lifestyle.