
19 March 2021

The mashfrog path to sustainable development: the 2019 Sustainability Report

Achieving the UN's Global Sustainable Development Goals has become an integral part of the mashfrog Group's business plan: we want to be responsible and self-aware protagonists of change.


Last year, the mashfrog Group embarked on a path of sustainable growth with the aim of meeting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 set by the UN, as outlined in its 2019 Sustainability Report.

In 2015, the United Nations published its agenda outlining the 17 Sustainable Development Goals,  to be achieved by 2030. Those involved in this process are many, from governments to companies, all linked by a single purpose that places sustainability at its core. These objectives touch upon every aspect of life: environmental, economic, and social sustainability are all included in our long-term vision. It is not enough just to respond to the immediate crisis, but companies must look at making forward-looking investments, aimed at minimising the environmental impact of their business and improving the economic condition and quality of life of people

Sustainability can no longer be seen as an add-on to the company's business but must become a foundation on which to build our professional future: investing with sustainability in mind is an opportunity for us to become increasingly competitive.

Among the 17 goals defined by the UN agenda, the mashfrog Group has a particular affinity with the following seven: 
•    Goal 12 - Ensure responsible consumption and production patterns
•    Goal 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
•    Goal 7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all
•    Goal 13 - Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences
•    Goal 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
•    Goal 5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls (increase their power, self-esteem, and awareness) 
•    Goal 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels

What we have done in mashfrog: Sustainability Report 2019

Well-aware of the challenge ahead, last year the mashfrog Group published its 2019 Sustainability Report, a document that describes in detail the activities that the mashfrog Group carried out over the last year to move towards achieving the objectives set for 2030. The report has a twofold purpose: to trace the company's path towards achieving the 2030 objectives, and to provide stakeholders and customers with a clear and transparent analysis of corporate performance based on sustainability. In the document we have considered three aspects of sustainability, each one integral to the other: environmental, social, and economic.

Environmental sustainability: our commitment to combating climate change

Our commitment to safeguarding the environment is taking place on several fronts: we monitor energy consumption, corporate travel data - flights, and train and car journeys - and paper consumption, measuring the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions produced by these activities. Having such full awareness of the company's consumption allows us to act in a targeted manner, reducing and eliminating the activities that waste resources. We are committed to further reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the use of paper, promoting the use of 100% recycled paper. For example, even before the Covid-19 pandemic, we had already decided to reduce business travel by making more use of videoconferencing.

Social sustainability: our commitment to a better work-life balance

For everyone at mashfrog, social sustainability means ensuring working conditions that promote the well-being of staff, allowing each individual to express their full potential. Precisely for this reason, the company has always incorporated ethical considerations into its business vision.
We are committed to creating a work environment in which there is a level playing field, respecting the fundamental rights of every employee and protecting their moral integrity. All kinds of discrimination are expressly forbidden, and the well-being of all employees is promoted through training and development and corporate welfare.

Economic sustainability: our commitment to innovation and quality of services

The economic sustainability of mashfrog depends on our ability to offer customised and innovative solutions and services, which make us stand out from the competition, by adopting a Total Quality Management approach, aimed at the complete satisfaction of our client companies and standing firm against all forms of corruption. Other economic and governance aspects taken into consideration in the document are:

-    data security and privacy protection
-    the creation and distribution of economic value
-    the governance of sustainability

At mashfrog we have always believed that good performance cannot be separated from compliance with specific environmental, social, and economic requirements and that  digital technologies are indispensable tools for achieving environmental, social, and economic sustainability. However, there is still a lot to do. This is why our intention is to continue along the path we have already taken, in order to integrate and strengthen the company's commitment to responsible growth while respecting the need for sustainability. 

Download the 2019 Sustainability Report