The mashfrog plan for sustainable development
The mashfrog Group's 2020 roadmap for aligning with the global Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030
We believe in continuous innovation and are firmly convinced that technology, in particular digital technologies, are an indispensable tool for not only environmental but also social and economic sustainability. We are aware, however, that technological development must move within a legal framework, be regulated by ethical principles and guided by shared objectives at global level. In 2015, the United Nations published the policy document containing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. For the first time, a single document integrates all 3 dimensions of sustainability – environmental, social and economic – and provides governments with the fundamental guidelines for accelerating a change of course that can no longer be postponed. The document also establishes, and for the first time unequivocally, the extent to which the three dimensions are interrelated and how one cannot ignore the other two. There can be no economic growth that does not respect environment balance and does not contribute to social well-being.
What companies need to do
All stakeholders – governments, decision makers, companies, investors, shareholders, academics and citizens – must work together to plan and implement the measures necessary to achieve the Agenda's goals. Companies naturally play a fundamental role. Sustainability is now an integral part of business strategy and a fundamental asset of business development; moreover, it is the market itself that is demanding it: consumers are increasingly attentive and aware and the requisites of sustainability are fundamental for remaining competitive. 10 years short of the date scheduled for achieving the SDGs, however, there is still much to do. Companies must not only adapt production to sustainability standards, but also make investments capable of minimising the impact of business and aligning their vision. Change cannot be separated from responsible leadership.
What we are doing in mashfrog: the plan for sustainable development
The race for the global Sustainable Development Goals has become an integral part of the mashfrog Group's business plan and good performance can no longer ignore respect of specific environmental and social requisites in our mission.
Work-life balance and widespread well-being. Our approach in corporate management is based on the principles of welfare, inclusion and social responsibility towards all in-house collaborators. Their well-being is at the centre of the company's attention and must also be ensured through social inclusion policies towards categories to be protected, supporting the inclusion of young workers and promoting a good balance between working life and personal life.
Calculation of the Carbon Footprint. Reducing the company's impact on the environment is a goal that we have long integrated into corporate policies. We try to encourage best practices of sustainability in terms of individual behaviour to the extent possible. We measure and reduce energy consumption, thus reducing the burden of performance on the environment in terms of CO2 emissions, calculating the Carbon Footprint. The challenges for the future can no longer be separated from this commitment which involves each Group company to a different degree.
Next Step: the Sustainability Report. The goal is to start a new path that leads to measuring and analysing corporate performance related to sustainability in a transparent and clear way.
The development of a Sustainability Report in line with the GRI Standards is the first step in this direction, which will allow us to provide stakeholders with a clear and complete image of the Group.
We want to be responsible and aware protagonists of change.