Mashfrog Retreat 2024. We did it agAIn!
Three work days focusing on AI, featuring workshops, guests, team building, and insights, for the Group's annual meeting of BUs and branches line management.

Mashfrog’s 2024 Retreat, running from June 21 to 23, was yet again a yearly corporate event based on teamwork, team-building, and strategy, focusing on Artificial Intelligence. Over 40 mashfrog people, among managers and supervisors of the Group’s BUs and branches, convened on the shores of Lake Castelgandolfo for a three-day pow-wow on the topic of “AIming for Sapiens Client”. They were met by four special guests by the name of AlessandroMusumeci, TamerHamed, SaraVolinoCoppola, and PaulBroft, delivering keynote speeches that broadened our horizons on AI’s current status and outlook, from a regulatory, technical, and applicative standpoint in terms of customer services and corporate processes.
“In the year that saw NVIDIA overtake Apple and Microsoft, marked by a seismic shift in business due to the new Data-centric industrial revolution, our mindset has evolved to cross thinking and cross acting, so to exploit the full value we can generate through AI thanks to our vertical skill-set covering the whole digital silo” as highlighted by Edoardo Narduzzi, CEO of Mashfrog Group. “Our Group features a unique company profile in the market because we combine ERP, CRM, IT, Data Science, cybersecurity, creativity, and communication. We boast a growing roster of customers and projects, but above all, we successfully integrated stably AI as a virtual colleague throughout our teams, and we must push forward in this direction”.
Above all, the Retreat was a working event featuring six workshops to take stock of the AI-developed projects by the various Business Units of Mashfrog over the year, discuss market scenarios and the most effective strategies for implementing skills and solutions within the different professional families, while identifying AI-generated meeting points between the technologies and services that characterize the Group's offering.
Last but not least, the three-day event in Castel Gandolfo also proved useful for some team-building efforts. In the picturesque setting of the Roman Castles, attendees of the 2024 Retreat from Italy, Spain, the UAE, Mexico, and the United States, were able to partake in two days of R&R with a cultural twist, like a canoe trip on the lake, a visit to the local natural and archeological heritage sites, and a private visit to the Apostolic Palaces and the Secret Garden of the Pope’s summer residence of Castel Gandolfo.