
14 June 2024

Mashfrog complies with the Code for Businesses fostering Maternity

The company is now part of a list of maternity-friendly businesses, thanks to its numerous initiatives supporting new parents and its ongoing commitment to gender equality.

Mashfrog imprese codice maternità

Mashfrog is a pioneering company in implementing gender equality policies, having subscribed to the Code of Self-Discipline for Businesses fostering Maternity. Such a commitment puts us on the list of responsible businesses encouraging parenthood through specific measures.

In 2022, we were the first company in Italy to secure the UNI PdR 125:2022 Gender Equality Certification, adopting practices and policies aimed at ensuring gender equality in the workplace, promoting the professional growth of women, and tackling stereotypes and discrimination. Furthermore, numerous initiatives have been implemented to support parenthood and encourage women to embark on their motherhood journey. The main ones are listed below:

  • the possibility of extended maternity/paternity leave options, beyond statutory and collective contracts, with economic integration between 80% and 100% of salary.
  • proper use of smart working and flexibility in office hours;
  • upgrading to vertical and horizontal part-time hours;
  • On-site or subsidized daycare, and coverage of expenses for early childhood, including education and home care;
  • targeted training and support for physical and mental well-being during the return-to-work phase.

Read the full document

Mashfrog showcases its constant commitment to parenting issues, implementing policies that foster an inclusive and respectful work environment for all. The company keeps improving its practices to create a workplace that actively supports women and families.

Mashfrog's adherence to the Code of Self-Discipline for Businesses fostering Maternity represents another step forward in the company's commitment to gender equality and the well-being of its employees, thus reasserting its leading role in the national landscape.