
06 April 2022

A more global, responsible and inclusive company: social sustainability at the Mashfrog Group

We are increasingly committed to creating an open, dynamic and flexible working environment that ensures the integration, inclusion and professional and personal growth of all employees.

A more global, responsible and inclusive company: social sustainability at the Mashfrog Group

The concept of Sustainability does not only refer to the focus on climate change and the environment, but also involves Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 

To be sustainable, a company must therefore also maintain a balance between business and social growth, ensuring the creation of shared value for the benefit of all those who come into contact with the company and the needs of future generations. This is why at Mashfrog we are committed to integrating sustainability into the way we do business, not only from an environmental, but also from an economic and social point of view. 

The objectives we want to achieve 

Our approach to social sustainability in business management is based on the principles of welfare, inclusion, equal opportunities and employee well-being. We have chosen to be an active part of change by adhering to the Sustainable Development Goals contained in the UN 2030 Agenda, focusing in particular on: 

- SDG 4 - Ensure quality, equitable and inclusive education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

- SDG 5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

- SDG 8 - Stimulate sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all;

- SDG 16 - Promote peaceful and more inclusive societies for sustainable development; provide access to justice for all and create efficient, accountable and inclusive bodies at all levels.

So that everyone can fulfil their potential in a peaceful working environment, we want to promote a good balance between work and personal life; we protect and promote the value of human resources, providing tools and opportunities for professional growth; we focus our activities on the people who are part of the company, as well as our customers and suppliers.

Our journey towards Corporate Social Responsibility

The 2019 Sustainability Report was the first important step by our Group towards structuring a CSR Strategic Plan capable of integrating a more ethical and social, as well as environmental and economic, dimension into the way we operate. With the Sustainability Report 2020, we have taken a further step on this path, which has led us to strengthen the conditions of justice, fairness and well-being within the company.

In 2020, our company consisted of 302 employees in our various locations around the world, of whom 67% were men and 33% women. Mashfrog employs young people: the average age in 2020 is 35.7 years with an average seniority of 2.3 years. 

Employees and company workers are an indispensable factor in the success of the company. This is why almost all employees - 97.7% in 2020 - are employed on a permanent basis, reflecting the importance attached to the stability of the employment relationship. 

In order to optimise the work-life balance and to meet the safety requirements of the pandemic, we promoted smart working during 2020, having introduced it in the company a year before the pandemic began. 100% of the employees used this way of working.

Although the pandemic has forced the company to reduce training activities (-38% compared to 2019, but with a sharp increase - +200% - in technical training hours), in order to improve and increase the wealth and competitiveness of everyone's skills, we aim to increase training activities in the coming years.

At the end of 2020, we started the development of the Miobenefit internal welfare platform and recalibrated the company welfare system, trying to meet the new needs created by the new working methods introduced by the pandemic. From the beginning of 2021, an innovative supplementary pension solution was introduced for all Group employees.